Academic Year 2017/2018
Welcome to Class 5
Welcome to Class 5! As this is the final year for Year 6 children, we try to make this important year a memorable one by having a range of learning experiences. All of the children work very hard in our class and are constantly showing the school community how awesome they can be, through their many gifts and talents.
Meet the Staff
- Miss Evans
What are Class 5 Learning
View our long-term plan for the whole year which is located in Our Curriculum section.
Termly Newsletter
Please read our termly newsletters to find out what we are learning in our class and how you can support us at home.
Academic Year 2017/2018
- Class 5 Summer Curriculum Newsletter 2018
- Class 5 Spring Curriculum Newsletter 2018
- Class 5 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter 2017
Autumn Term
National Coal Mining Museum, Wakefield.
We all had a chance to wear hard hats with head lamps and battery packs, which were heavier than they looked. Due to health and safety, we were not allowed to take any photographs down the mine, but we were surprised at what we found down there – it was like a whole new world!
During our science workshop there, we discovered how the invention of the Miners’ Safety Lamp came about. Some of us even got to help with an experiment to see what happens when a wire mesh filter is held over an open flame.
Y6 Residential at the Youth Village
Our Y6’s enjoyed their overnight trip to the Emmaus Youth Village near Consett. There was lots of games and opportunities to take part in drama, dancing and craft workshops.
Academic Year 2016/2017
- Class 5 Summer Curriculum Newsletter
- Class 5 Spring Curriculum Newsletter 2017
- Class 5 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter 2016
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Spring Term
We have been taking part in an arts project led by St Bede’s , focussed on music and scripture. We have been very fortunate that the staff of St Bede’s have come to our class to do some art workshops and music. We have learned a lot of new music vocabulary and songs which were recorded. We also created some doves which have a range of different patterns and some scripture on them. All of our art and music work will be displayed at an exhibition in the future. We have really enjoyed having the staff from St Bede’s come in to work with us.
Science – dissolving
In Science, we have been studying how materials have changed. We have had some good fun trying out our experiments!
Adam Bushnall
We were very delighted to have another visit from the wonderful author Adam Bushnall. As always, he led a superb school assembly on story-telling and each class was lucky enough to have a workshop with Adam. Our class were writing poetic phrases about dragons – it was awesome!
Seven stories
As part of our year of writing, we wanted to celebrate the writers we love, so we decided to go to Seven Stories with Class 1. We had such a lovely day looking at the exhibitions and we really got our story-telling juices flowing by planning our own stories during one of their great workshops. We can’t wait to get back and write them!
DT Healthy Snacks
We have been researching the different types of food and what a healthy portion size looks like. Then we designed our very own healthy ‘on-the-go’ snack that would be suitable for a school packed lunch. Some of us even got to try to make sushi – and even more exciting : we got to eat it and try some of our partners food. Yum!
Wire Sculptures
Class 5 also finished making their wonderful wire sculptures. Haven’t they done a good job?
Autumn Term
This term, the children of Class 5 have settled really well and have really tried to challenge themselves in order to achieve their full potential.
Speeches and Elections:
We started off the year by having a look at what British Values are. We were interested in making our classroom a more democratic community therefore we decided that we would hold our own elections for those interested in running for Class Council member, Eco Team member or a Rights Respecting Team member. The children did amazing speeches and we were really impressed with their speaking in front of an audience. Once they had all presented their speeches, we were given a slip and we had to write the names of the candidate that we would like to represent us – just like a national election.
Phil Wilson Visit:
In addition to this, we also had the wonderful opportunity to meet our local MP, Phil Wilson. The children prepared a number of questions about parliament and being an MP and Mr Wilson answered those with detail and enthusiasm. They learned a lot about the structure of our government.
Oriental Museum Visit
In History this term we have been looking at the Shang Dynasty. We learned all about the reigning emperors and looked at artefacts. We also went on a visit to the Oriental Museum in Durham, where we participated in a range of workshops, such as a dramatization of a Chinese story, and looking at objects that were inspired by that particular period in history. We had great fun.
Science: Materials
Our topic this term was materials and their properties. We looked at materials and tested their properties and came up with some great investigative questions – we even tested out whether a liquid could take on some of the properties of a solid by making Oobleck ( a non-Newtonian fluid). It got very messy but it was lots of fun.
As part of our English lessons we have been looking at fairy tales. We decided to rewrite some well-known stories as play scripts and perform them for the younger children in the school. We then designed and made our own puppets as part of our Design and Technology lessons. Our final step was to perform them in front of an audience –it was very nerve-wracking but we all did a superb job and there were lots of laughs from the audience.
Youth Village:
Class 5 went to the Youth Village in Consett run by the Newcastle Mission Team. We had some great fun, playing games and meeting new friends- we even stayed overnight!. We also had lots of time of reflection and prayer, and lots of time to think about looking forwards.