We have a very enthusiastic ECO team in school who meet regularly to to discuss issues and identify things that we can all do to make our school more environmentally friendly. Meetings are also used to plan for projects around our school and discuss daily chores that need doing. Our school Eco-group is made up of two representatives from each year group in both KS1 and KS2. Our aim is to make our school as green and environmentally friendly as possible, as well as making the children aware of environment issues. Our team maintain a consistent attitude towards caring for our school and the environment. In pairs we:
- Empty our fruit and vegetable left overs into our composting bin
- Ensure lights and taps are turned off
- Litter patrol around the playground
We promise to make our school a greener place by following our eco-pledges:
- Turning off the lights when not needed
- Checking the taps for running water not being used
- Keeping our school environment clean and tidy
- Recycling when we can
- Encouraging and helping with Living Streets and our Walk to School project
Living Streets
Living Streets are a UK charity that we, as a school, support. Their big ambition is that every child, that can, walks to school. The children at St Godrics are part of the year round walk to school challenge.
Pupils who walk to school at least once a week are rewarded with a monthly badge, helping build healthy habits for a lifetime. Daily journeys are logged on our Travel Tracker wallcharts.
Children who live too far to walk are encouraged to walk part of the way by parking away from school.
We believe children who walk to school:
- Arrive fit, refreshed and ready to learn
- Do better in class
- Are happier, healthier and are more independent
This means:
- Reduced congestion and improved safety at the school gate
- Better local air quality and reduced CO2 emissions.
It is a very worthwhile growing charity.
Rachel from Durham County Council came into our school to talk to us about the importance of recycling. We looked at lots of different kinds of rubbish and sorted them into plastic, paper, metal and glass. Rachel showed where our rubbish goes to and how it is recycled in the recycling plant. She also showed us how our rubbish can be made into useful things such as aeroplane parts, car engines, clothes and stationary. We received a leaflet to take home to remind us of the things we can recycle and we were also given a pencil made out of recycled paper. Our Eco Team are going to recycle more materials in school.