Welcome to St Godric’s Friends of the School. We would like to start by thanking everyone who has supported ‘Friends of the School’ over the past years. Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you can continue. Despite only having 5 members on the committee we will keep up the fundraising BUT would love some new members or some new ideas to aid us in supporting the school. If you are interested in becoming a member of St Godric’s Friends of the School or are willing to support us in any future events then please contact the school office either by email or telephone.
St Godric’s Friends of the School have brought the community together through many special ways and events which reflect the role they play. They have organised Autumn fancy dress discos, McMillan Coffee Afternoons, Film Nights and Whole School Trips to the cinema for parents, staff and children and not forgetting the highly successful Summer and Christmas Fayres held each year for the whole community to enjoy. Money raised by the ‘Friends’ group have helped to buy vital school resources such as the new outdoor story seat, furniture for outdoor learning, as well as donating money towards class trips.
Story Garden
The story garden area is now complete and was officially opened at the Family Fun day on 10th July by Father Ian Jackson. It has taken a lot of time and effort to complete and the results are great. Below are some photographs showing the garden before and after the work was carried out.
Friends of the School would like thank everyone who helped make the transformation possible and a special thank you goes to Durham Tees Valley Compost who very kindly donated all of the wood chippings to cover the path free of charge and to Woodcraft for Landscapes for the supplying the wonderful plants.